Dimensional Data Modeling


  • data-engineering
  • data-modeling
  • data-dimensional

Introduction to Dimensional Modeling

Understanding the basics of Dimensional Modeling Exploring the concepts of Facts and Dimensions Introduction to Star Schema and Snowflake Schema Advantages of Dimensional Modeling in data analysis and reporting

Create a simple entity relationship ERD for sample business model (sale operation) Create a simple dimensional model for a sample dataset (e.g., sales transactions) Identify the fact tables and dimension tables Design a star schema based on the identified fact and dimension tables Use drawing tools or whiteboards to visualize the dimensional model

Star Schema Design

Deep dive into Star Schema design principles Understanding the structure of a star schema: Fact table and Dimension tables Different types of dimensions: Conformed dimensions, Junk dimensions, Degenerate dimensions Best practices for designing efficient star schemas

Refine the dimensional model created on Object 1 by implementing a star schema design Normalize dimension tables to remove redundancy and improve data integrity Populate dimension tables with sample data Verify the relationships between the fact table and dimension tables

Snowflake Schema Design

Introduction to Snowflake Schema and its differences from Star Schema Understanding the benefits and use cases of Snowflake Schema Normalization techniques in Snowflake Schema design When to choose Snowflake Schema over Star Schema

Modify the existing dimensional model to implement a Snowflake Schema design Normalize dimension tables further to create a snowflake structure Populate the snowflake schema with sample data Compare the performance and scalability of the Snowflake Schema with the Star Schema

Advanced Dimensional Modeling Techniques

Exploring advanced dimensional modeling techniques Introduction to slowly changing dimensions (SCDs) Handling hierarchical data in dimensional models Hybrid modeling approaches: Bridge tables, Role-playing dimensions

Extend the existing dimensional model to include slowly changing dimensions (Type 1 and Type 2) Implement bridge tables to handle many-to-many relationships or recursive hierarchies Create role-playing dimensions to represent different perspectives of the data Populate the modified dimensional model with sample data and test the SCD handling

Dimensional Modeling Best Practices and Review

Review of best practices and common pitfalls in dimensional modeling Guidelines for maintaining and evolving dimensional models over time Integration of dimensional modeling with ETL processes and data warehouses Real-world case studies and success stories

Conduct a review of the dimensional models created during the bootcamp Discuss the challenges faced and lessons learned during the modeling process Brainstorm ideas for applying dimensional modeling principles to real-world scenarios Prepare a presentation showcasing the dimensional models and insights gained
